Bringing Aging Power Grid Into 21st Century: AMI

PIE&G is committed to providing our members with power that is both reliable and affordable. To continue doing that, we must make improvements to...

There’s No Easy Button

By: Tom Sobeck, PIE&G President & CEO I have highlighted the competitiveness of our energy rates over the past year, and it’s always reassuring to...

Where Iron Meets International Manufacturing

Tom Moran is a special breed that may have been born for entrepreneurship. “I don’t believe in stress for myself,” said Moran. “I love a...

Modernizing Our Aging Power Grid For The 21st Century: AMI

PIE&G is committed to providing our members with electricity that is both reliable and affordable. To continue doing that, we must make improvements to bring...

Powering Communities, Empowering Members

The generosity of Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members and their desire to better their communities allow the PIE&G Communities First Fund (CFF)...

PIE&G Awards $23,372 In Local Grants

Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members continue giving generously through their voluntary round-up of change on their electric and natural gas billings to...

PIE&G Awards $14,500 In Scholarships To Area High School Graduates

Pictured above: Rogers City High School students Amanda Wirgau (left) and Daniel Bielas (right) each received a $1,000 scholarship from PIE&G. CEO Tom Sobeck presented...

AMI Update

Since May of 2021, PIE&G has implemented Advanced Metering Infrastructure (or AMI) upgrades to approximately 13,000 residential electric meters, or about one-third of its...

Besser Museum Offers a Mixed Bag of Cultural Experiences

By Yvette Pecha Perhaps you’re craving a dose of culture, but you’re not sure what you’re in the mood History? Science? If you live...

Natural Gas Safety

Natural gas is odorless and colorless, so a harmless substance is added to make it smell like rotten eggs. Why? So you can easily...

Casserole Recipes Due by July 1

Share your favorite “Casseroles” recipe with us by July 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus, there’s more! To...