
The Call of the Wild

When you are exploring the Upper Peninsula, whether in vacation mode or simply tooling around your hometown, there is a sense that the “wild”...

Growing A Business Organically: Cultured Kombucha Co.

When Courtney Lorenz first tried her hand at brewing kombucha, an effervescent fermented drink of sweetened tea that is made from cultures of bacteria...

Taking The Long Road

If Emerson’s ethos holds true and life really is about the journey and not the destination, then the folks at Long Road Distillers are...

Suitcases Packed With Purpose

The recent Partners for Power team reached their goal to build an electric line extension in Guatemala that changed the lives of about 54 families...

Glow In The Dark

Erik Rintamaki has been walking the beaches of Lake Superior all of his life. Rintamaki, now living in Brimley, grew up in the Upper Peninsula...

Adventures For Rural Veterans- Express Interest By Feb. 28

As far as Michigan’s electric cooperatives are concerned, there should be “No Barriers” to veterans with disabilities. That’s the name—and the idea—behind Co-Bank’s No Barriers...

Co-op Careers Offer Paycheck And A Purpose

October is National Cooperative Month! Every day in this country, more than 75,000 men and women go to work at America’s electric cooperatives to...

10 Tips For Enjoying Michigan’s Dark Skies

Michigan is surrounded by the Great Lakes, which shroud the state in near-total darkness. This makes it the perfect destination for some of the...

Five Friendly Tips For The Farmers Market

Michigan residents are fortunate in their ability to grow and buy fresh, locally grown produce throughout the summer and fall. According to the Michigan...

Gather Round The Co-op Kitchen Table

A NEW and exclusive online cooking community for our electric co-op members. MI Co-op Kitchen is a place to share your recipes and food ideas...

Holiday Treats Recipes Due By Sept. 1

Share your favorite “Holiday Treats” recipe with us by September 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus, there’s...